to be laid back this year

moving out of the student dorm was also a good decision for me this year. i remember what one belarussian friend remarked about the dorm where i used to live as she summed it up, "kamer is russian for prison cell." don't get me wrong though, the place is not that bad, it's just isolated. like alcatraz.
ok, i also fell in love this year. i didn't expect that i will, but i did. and it hit me hard when the love was not returned back. what do you say when you hear these: "i thought we were having fun?" and "i did try to say that we keep it light"? it's almost six months now after we said our goodbyes but i am still reeling from the pangs of the 'what-happened-along-the-way?' questions. only time will tell.
apart from this, what else did i learn last year? i have reviewed the things that i have blogged for the past year to help me remember my hits and misses. so here goes:
*people are good. really. they are. believe me.
*people can love. and hurt. and hurt even if they don't mean to.
*but it's how you deal with them that matters.
*there are bad days. really. there are.
*so don't sweat the small stuff. things will take care of themselves as long as you do your part.
*smile. that's all there is to it (even if your missing some of your teeth).
*seasons come and go and come and go and go again, and my emotions follow their pattern (it's but natural).
*life ups and downs are ok. but remember to pull yourself together always.
*pray. say thank you and i love you and mean it. love your family and friends. call or email them often. that's the least you can do.
*and of course, be gentle to yourself despite the world.

as for my new year resolution, which is something that i don't usually do since i forget about it by the third week of january, i promised myself to be more laid-back. whatever it means and entails for me to do is part of the resolution. i can't wait for what this new year will bring!
dancing to: massive attack
state-of-mind: woozy
mantra: i-have-to-study
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 12:29 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
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