i'm singing in the rain

anyway, i found this site where sound files can be uploaded. now i'm testing if it works. so people help me out will ya? if the link below is ok (not my singing...) please drop me a comment. i found this short (very short !) record of me singing and playing the guitar to tracy chapman's for my lover. i don't give her justice, i know!
hope you enjoy this...but don't say i didn't warn you...
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 1:59 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
WOOOOOOOWWWWWWW!! Woohoo!! That's my best friend singing out there....And I am mighty proud...dude, you sound great...but I should also say that I love hearing you perform live, and I am so lucky to be able to do that. :) Your voice is one of a kind...and a joy to hear during our gatherings...hit it one more time, baby!
You were even recognizable!
Tracy should hear this
thanks you guys!
cands: hit me with the guitar?! one more time? no!
emanuel: was i? shoot! it was tracy really, she came here to brussels right? she came with us after we watched her concert... let me dream on...
frog: oh no! i'm not worthy (not worthy..) :D
Don't be too modest! Ne soir pas idiot (correct spelling?!)...
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