drama queen for a sec

it's one of those days when i question myself about a lot of things. but mainly, those questions boil down to one major thing:
why do i feel alone?
i have friends and i love their company. and although i live far from my family, i am closer to them than ever before.
but still, this feeling of being alone swallows me up. not lonely, that's different. alone describes it well.
or solitude. it's more poetic.
James Howell puts it better when he said
"I am never less alone, than when I am alone."
maybe i reach that moment when relishing my being alone doesn't help me know myself any better. at times, i see myself better when i'm with others. for now, i feel like a man who carries a fire for everyone's warmth, yet i belong to no one.
soon the fire's glow will mellow. before the last ember dies out, i wish i will not be alone in the darkness.
state of mind: still soupy
state of heart: read above
music in my head: ebtg's old friends
music playing: chill-out groove UK
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 8:57 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
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