cold feet
i don't know what got into me. cold feet? i don't know why. i just did.
i look forward to seeing him though, i really do. i wait for him to pop up, but when he's there, i hide. i start playing julia fordham, then changed it to massive attack's man next door when julia became too cheesy, lest i be miscontrued to send the wrong signal.
it's even harder now that i know his name. better that he stayed "isaywhatsup" because it's impersonal, easier to forget. but who can forget his antics? not me as only a few people can have this effect on me, really.
i light a sandalwood incense to relax. then back to my books, they provide a safer haven.
oh, i hear my older brothers teasing me from memory: "what a big sissy!"
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 1:34 AM
if you can't live with it, he can.
hi, marc! i saw your comment on nancy's (outloudish) blog and wandered over to see who you are.
i like the sound of you. i like that you are in love. i hope that you can keep a little humour about it all. people are so very weird around "love".
forget mr. stiffo. he has too much growing up to do. (like i know all the facts... still, it isn't a good start.)
thank you, mael. yes, to be in love is crazy! you see, i'm 26 and i still have crushes! hahaha! about mr stiffo, he's down (way down...) on my list!
by the way, can i blog roll you?
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