i lost my back pack in germany last october...
... and it contained my passport, money, muesli bars, water jug, date planner, pens, lip balm and most of all, my laptop. that may explain why i haven't been blogging from that month until late november when i got my laptop back.
yes i got my bag back. everything including the muesli bars. and it's one story that i have not blogged here because i know it deserves a perfect timing to share with others. i won't go into the details on how it was lost (ok, i was eyeing a cute guy two seats away from me!), but i would rather spend more time thanking people who helped me get it back.
so my hearfelt gratitude are in order to the following people:
1. the deutsche bahn guy wearing a red hat for calling immediately the train that i took, alerting them of my missing bag.
2. the guys at the "Fundbuero" for being patient with me as i nervously fill-up the missing items form.
3. the lady at the "Fundbuero" for giving me 3 euros, the remaining amount that i needed to buy my ticket back to brussels. in exchange for her kindness, i asked her to have my box of tea. she declined but i insisted .
4. the police at cologne for calling the embassy for me. they made me calm.
5. the cologne cathedral for being my refuge in the 2 hours that i waited for my train.
6. jenny, mimoy, candy, emmanuel and lebo for helping me get through my misery during that week and ate ley for putting some sense in me (she always does!).
7. lea and her bright idea that thomas might help.
8. thomas who speaks german and has the most wonderful heart to help. i lost the bag on thursday and by monday the following week i already had good news due to his persistence in calling DB cologne. they found my bag in hamburg, 4 hours away from cologne.
9. and nicole, for taking over what thomas did because he had to leave for the philippines. nicole patiently called the people in hamburg and translated the german instructions for me.
10. and to the Higher Being.
i will not forget this experience, it has taught me that people are good!

again, my heartfelt thanks to you! may you be blessed with peace, prosperity and happiness always!
happy new year to all!
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this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 12:59 AM
if you can't live with it, he can.
Hi, sweetheart. I never knew about #3!
Goodness, THAT was some experience. But I'd have to tell you that you were rather calm and accepting with the "situation" at that time. I don't I ever saw you "rattled".
I'm just happy that everything's back with you, safe and complete. Who would have thought?!
Bless Germany for their honest and straightforward system.
Happy New Year....and may this year bring more love, PEACE and HAPPINESS.
Wow! I love you rnew template. It's so COOL, it's soooo...YOU!
Ang galing!
thanks girl!
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