kitchen magic makes beautiful ceramics
my friend lea here in brussels is an up-and-coming ceramist who creates wonderful pieces. just look at the picture, don't you think she is inspired by nature?
on the contrary, ate malou and i think she is inspired 'by' and 'in' her kitchen. get the drift? hehehe. the numerous students who visit her home can attest that the kitchen has magic infused on its walls! right, alexie, belen and lea k?
mimoy and i took photos of her work and compiled them in a short video (click the image above). we will show it this friday in an informal exposition.
btw, we are preparing sushi for the expo as well. it will surely be a winner!
felicitations, ate ley!
video duration is 0:3:44
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currently enjoying: 5 hours of mahabharata.
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 2:21 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
It's true.
Did you make that video yourself? Ang galing!
chapeau! really pro the taking of pics n the making into video...many thanks for this hyper-publicity....ateley
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