geeks are sissies
"life is not for sissies."
so said larry mcurtry, co-writer of the oscar-nominated screenplay of brokeback mountain, when asked about the message of his film.
i could not help but to think that the message was aimed at me. out of sheer sissiness, my so-called relationships usually only have a shelf-life of three months, tops. either i say good bye or the guy's pissed off with my vacillations about committing or not.
i am such a sissy, let me count the ways:
the first week is the best, cuddly-cutesy-lovey-dovey best.
then fourteen days into the relationship i feel my skin rashes coming out.
four weeks and my social skills go on a downhill.
by the sixth week, i am paranoid: "why me? why him? why now?" at the same time forgetting where i placed my car keys everyday on my way to work. what's worse is that i don't even own a car.
by the eighth week, it's over.
and if it ever reaches beyond the eighth week itch, i know how it works already: i would refuse to meet his friends or go home at 6 in the morning or be late for a date.
make me spell committment in a spelling bee and i will make that score.
but living it? that's the hardest part.
(hey! did i hear someone said "boo"?)
listening to: alexie's radio playing vivaldi
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 9:11 AM
if you can't live with it, he can.
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