antwerp grote markt

i have been playing around with my camera these past few months, taking snapshots of whatever catches my fancy in and outside brussels. this image was taken at antwerp's grote markt (grand market) where the statue of the brabo by jeff lambeaux stands. it tells the story of a roman soldier (silvius brabo) who killed a terrible giant (druoon antigoon), chopped the giant's hand, and threw it in the scheldt river. people say that the name of the city came from this story of hand-throwing, hand (as in your hands) and werpen (to throw). cool.
i just think that there is something swishy about the statue. and when i took the picture, i did not notice the cat on the roof.
listening to: paolo santos' swept away
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 10:56 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
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