hola españa!
travelling to spain was an experience i will never forget.
it was the company. i was with fellow students and a friend who all wanted a good time after the exams and living life in sun-deprived brussels. i didn't know i missed sunshine that much until i came to spain. i just soaked up the sun and the cool breeze of the place.
it was the people i met there. my eyes were dry after not blinking for hours. lovely people eveywhere. it probably caused my neck to strain. hahaha.
it was seeing picasso's guernica. and miro. and gaudi. magnificient works of art i have only seen in books.
it was the food and the beer. paella for dinner. san miguel beer every meal. can i ask for more?
it was watching the opera "carmen" done in flamenco style. my heart has never beaten that fast since watching charlize theron in "monster".
it was madrid, toledo and barcelona. ohlalala.
wish you were there with me.
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 10:51 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
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