i met a real astronaut!

everyday i learn to love brussels.
the city's not as awe-inspiring as paris, or as lively as madrid, or even as colorful as barcelona. but it has a charm of its own that's not skin deep. one just needs to scratch the surface with a little more effort. every time i try to get out and discover the city that adopted me, it never fails to surprise me. believe me, brussels is beyond beers and fries.
just like today, i went to see the space and earth exhibit and met a real astronaut! can you believe it? even i can't until i had shaken his hand. yup, a real live astronaut who has been to outer space and back. the odds for me meeting one is like the philippines having snow!
it was my friend who saw him looking at the displays in the exhibit. she asked me "isn't he the guy in the poster?" i said "oh yeah" and in a dash i was introducing myself and asking for an autograph. little ol' smart ass me can only rack my brain with the most profound question for him:
"so, how is it now that your back on earth?"
hahaha! whatda?! it was like a pick up line! i could have followed it up with "your so cute, did you meet any hot aliens there?" and "did you put your bare hand out of the spaceship?" (note to self: marc, your not in a bar, your in a science museum!)
now i have an autographed postcard with his picture and my name on it! what a treat! i was a kid again!
i don't know about you, but i'm a sucker for these stuff. i'm such a geek.
PS>> here's the astronaut i met http://www.esa.int/SPECIALS/Delta_Mission/SEMAWYGHZTD_0.html
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 8:39 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
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