i'm a geek. really.
where do geeks like me get our kick aside from burning the midnight oil studying? getting good grades, of course!
the exams last month was my first taste of the european style of academic assessment. imagine i had to wait for 4 months before taking an exam. the only exam that will determine my grade! and as a scholar, i have to maintain good ones, if not better. i definitely had to study piles of books and other reading materials to prepare myself for the battlefield.
in an equation, reviewing was:
sleepless nights studying + midnight snacks to rev up + boxes of marlboro gold to calm me
= bad skin
yeah, but whatever. i was so ready for the exams that my mood before an exam was always a holler of "let's bring it awnnn!" bad skin and all.
the results have been posted recently, and (ehemm...) i aced all of them, hehehe.
my oh my. my blog tonight is so self serving. forgive me, i'm a self-confessed geek.
proud and out.
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 10:40 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
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