there, i said it.
i got myself the phone call that i wished for in my previous blog entry a few hours after i wrote it. roused up from sleep by the ringing of the phone, i opened my eyes thinking it was already a new day, until of course i realized that it was still 11 in the evening. i think i slept early at 9pm'ish.
and then before the call ended, i told him my anxieties. there, i said it. i don't know, i just felt like i needed to, and with him i can be very honest. most of the time brutally honest perhaps. on the other end of the line i heard assuring words telling me that there is nothing to be worried about. chill out was what he meant.
truth to tell there shouldn't be anything really. it's just me, myself and the rest of what's left of my (ir)rational being.
thanks man, it's cool.
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 1:17 AM
if you can't live with it, he can.
Say this with me, Marcky:
Worrying is for sissies.
:) Peace, dude.
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