a good sunday spent with violins and coffins

in this city where one can only think of binging the palate with the world's best chocolates, brussels has something for the ears. it is surprising to know that it is where the
saxophone originated as well as hosting the biggest city
jazz marathon this side of europe.
today, after sending off my friend rhia (i'll miss you girl!) who's going back home to the philippines, i went again to the
musée des the instruments de musique (that's the museum of musical instruments for us non-francophones). because i usually don't come for a second helping unless it is really worth it (be it a place, food or men!), the museum must really be good! with two lovely friends, we went to downtown brussels, this time to watch a violin concert playing there.
i definitely enjoyed the performance, and if it's any indication of my maturity in musical tastes, i was able to fight off sleeping throughout the entire repertoire. mind you, the concert played in an afternoon that called for a siesta and i was hopelessly struggling to go to dreamland because of the drone of an unknown instrument playing in the background. what kept me awake were the fantastic beats from the bongo drums that accompanied the violin.
to cap the afernoon, we girl-talked in a park and then went to have beers at a pub where the theme was funeral. yup, you read it right. the tables were even designed using coffins, and the floral decor were those used in wakes! surreal indeed!
with the sound of the violin still ringing in my ears tonight, i know i need to buy that new coldplay album. for now, i'm enjoying the songs compiled by
candy for me (thanks thanks girl!) while i contemplate some of the questions that ate lea popped in the park this afternoon (why don't you go for it, marc? what's keeping you from experiencing love once again??).
actually it was more of a challenge. am i up to it?
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 10:14 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
just being me...happy!
the past few weeks have been very hectic in school. it was only today that i found time for myself to update my blog (this is my seventh entry today!).
i am basically a happy person despite the world. although i worry a lot, it doesn't take me a while to remember that days do take care of themselves.
i have a lot to be happy about this week: my family travelling to the island of boracay in the philippines and actually enjoying each other's company; me getting high marks and being exempted from taking the exam for a lousy (but dreadful) class; a cousin in the US who passed the UCLA entrance test; my bestfriend's bithday; my brother's wife being pregnant with their first baby; me getting a laptop next month; eating polvoron and dried fish smuggled from the philippines; friends from here now happy back home; friends visiting and a lot lot more happy events!
so yeah, this is me horsing around!

and me giving out a BIG gargle!

it's so nice to be happy! sha lal la!
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 9:11 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
rhia's back!
or better yet, rhia's on my back! hehehe...

rhia and dioli are back in brussels after leaving in october last year. they're just here for two weeks, but i know it will be fun! the sunday that they arrived was already a blast with all the stories from home. i went back to my room happy and with a sore throat!
here's looking forward to the dinner this week!
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 8:35 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
someone's in love
not me. although it won't hurt to be on that side either.
anyway, it is always nice to be with someone who is in love. they see the world differently and in a positive light. what is it about love that gives one that wonderful twinkle in the eyes, that pinkish blush on the cheeks and that sweet smile? i think i forgot about it already. someone remind please.

i am with my friend lea, and she is in love. i feel her excitement everytime we talk about her feelings lately. although i can only share it vicariously, just the thought of being in love is enough for me now. we have a word for it in filipino, "kilig," and i am feeling it lately. hihihi...
oh, to be in love...
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 8:25 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
guitars galore!
still on guitars as my previous blog (what was i saying in that entry?! i was being puwetic! hahah), i went with a good friend (
wink wink) to the musee des instuments de musique in downtown brussels to see their collection.
this photo was taken in the stringed section showing guitars from all over the world. the best ones are from spain, of course!

although i can play the instrument, i have always dreamed of playing like a real spanish guitar virtuoso! this is the closest i can get!
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 8:16 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
i went to sodom and gomorrah
aside from going to kuekenhof for the flower festival, my friends and i visited the lovely city of amsterdam. i love this street photo that i asked my friend to shoot (because the guy at the back is so cute!).

i was not surprised to see how sex is blatantly showed in an in-your-face manner in this city having stayed in manila and bangkok, but i sure was taken aback! i'm no prude though, believe me. hehehe!
with its relaxed laws on sex as an industry as well as on the availability of hash, i can call this city sodom and gomorrah. 'nuff said. by the way, inside the bag are the famous space cakes! i got my kick!
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 8:08 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
lovely flowers
last month i went to the netherlands to see the flower festival in the town of kuekenhof. the festival showcased tulips and other flowers. i tell you the place was magical!
i couldn't contain myself from all the beautiful flowers that immersed my eyes that i had to buy a pot each of white and yellow-green orchids. the white orchids i gave to a friend as a token and the other one i kept for myself. now, a month after the trip, i have four lovely yellow-green flowers that brighten up my room. they are nice to look at everytime i wake up.
i am not really a fan of tulips in particular, but i really love flowers. and being surrounded by flowers of different colors were more than enough to make my visit there memorable!

here i am with friends.
forget about us, look at the flowers. are't they lovely?
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 8:00 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
strumming a borrowed guitar
i strum this borrowed guitar with a song for you.
i met you in my dreams, melancholic as i hoped you to be.
i sing from my heart with a song that streams from my mind.
and it flows down to my calloused hands as i pluck the strings.
i open my mouth and my voice quiver.
i hear myself in the verge of crying. and i ache and hide behind the notes.
i close my eyes and search my mind for your face,
but there's nothing i can see. as i strum the guitar, i continue weeping inside.
a faint smile ends the song.
it is as bitter sweet as i want it. as lovely as your coming.
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 11:31 AM
if you can't live with it, he can.