a good sunday spent with violins and coffins

in this city where one can only think of binging the palate with the world's best chocolates, brussels has something for the ears. it is surprising to know that it is where the saxophone originated as well as hosting the biggest city jazz marathon this side of europe.
today, after sending off my friend rhia (i'll miss you girl!) who's going back home to the philippines, i went again to the musée des the instruments de musique (that's the museum of musical instruments for us non-francophones). because i usually don't come for a second helping unless it is really worth it (be it a place, food or men!), the museum must really be good! with two lovely friends, we went to downtown brussels, this time to watch a violin concert playing there.
i definitely enjoyed the performance, and if it's any indication of my maturity in musical tastes, i was able to fight off sleeping throughout the entire repertoire. mind you, the concert played in an afternoon that called for a siesta and i was hopelessly struggling to go to dreamland because of the drone of an unknown instrument playing in the background. what kept me awake were the fantastic beats from the bongo drums that accompanied the violin.
to cap the afernoon, we girl-talked in a park and then went to have beers at a pub where the theme was funeral. yup, you read it right. the tables were even designed using coffins, and the floral decor were those used in wakes! surreal indeed!
with the sound of the violin still ringing in my ears tonight, i know i need to buy that new coldplay album. for now, i'm enjoying the songs compiled by candy for me (thanks thanks girl!) while i contemplate some of the questions that ate lea popped in the park this afternoon (why don't you go for it, marc? what's keeping you from experiencing love once again??).
actually it was more of a challenge. am i up to it?
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 10:14 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
I share your sentiments, sweetie. It was the perfect Sunday afternoon especially with the fantastic company: serene yet filled with knee-slapping laughter!
Thank you for what you wrote in my blog. It means a lot that you appreciate what I try to express. More so, thank you for the chat last night. You always uplift me.
And yes, I think you are up for the challenge. Open your arms and take it in. This is what life is all about!
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