love in time of the world wide web
a friend asked for my take on online love and it's intricacies. expertise? me? hehehe..
well, they're all ok online and until they (men, in my case) just turn into the most unbelievable wuz when it's time to go un-virtual. here's hoping, though, that real men are left all in the parallel universe of online earth! i can't say that at this time.
gerald (that f*ck from CDO) and i met online. it was good at first but he wasn't into the relationship as i was. or was it ever a relationship?! i had to fight over his girl for attention. i can't do that, so bye. if it's any consolation, i read an article on Time magazine a year ago about how online relationships seem to not work (concluded from a survey, significant at 0.5). so that means my case is well within the bounds of the normal distribution. which goes to say that the guys we meet online are wuzzes.
my conclusion: don't go online looking for love.
however, let us keep our hopes mid-high. at this point in our lives, we don't want to meet guys with issues up their sleeves. it's enough that we have our own hang-ups to deal with. let them be. we're better off to other prospects. so if one virtual guy doesn't work, what i do is to go and click another chat room and look for prince charming elsewhere.
i still believe that love can't be found in the world wide web, really now. it can only offer us the opportunity to find Neo (u know, the One) hiding somewhere, trapped within virtual wires of the internet. still, and ideally, nothing beats doing the up close and personal. that is when senses are more than what's tapping on the keyboard. or what lits up in the monitor screen. or that sound of the YM blinggg (how do you change it, by the way?).
and if the guy on the other side of the monitor screen is not into the up-close and personal, expect him not to do what real humans do in the real world: touch, hug, kiss, blow sweet nothings...
here's to love and whatever's left of it to us. for now, i'm back to the chatrooms (again!).
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 12:42 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
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