another tooth gone

i have lost 3 teeth as of today. and i have stayed here in brussels for only 7 months now!
so for the next few days or more, it's soft and cold food for me. huhuhu. what sucks the most is that i can't go out to be with my friends this weekend! i will be stuck in my room trying to finish a paper in class due this monday. i also bought magazines and newspapers to keep me company.
tonight, i'll put my troublesome tooth under my pillow and wait for my tooth fairy to come. we don't believe in tooth fairies in the philippines, so i really don't know what my fairy will bring me. a boyfriend isn't too much to ask, i guess.
chilling out to: brother sister by brand new heavies
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 12:36 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
things are looking brighter...

i never really understood what spring can bring. growing up in a tropical country, it is sunshine the whole year round. plants grow, they flower and die. then grow again after the rain. it's just two seasons for us back home, dry and wet, but all sunshine!
so my first taste of spring after 4 months or so of cold climate and short daylights in brussels has been a welcome relief. flowers bloom everywhere and colors abound! add to that the smiles in everyone's faces!
i was in the bus with lebo this evening, coming home from a dinner at isabel's place, and suddenly a chinese lady started chatting with us. she was so happy to hear us gossiping in english and just couldn't contain herself! she started this happy conversation, asking us why we're all smiling, where we're from and telling us happy stories of her travels around the world! she even hollered to a guy (a cute italian stud!) in the bus and whispered "he's my crush!" lebo and i cracked in laughter! the people in the bus were all ears to our chit chat and were smiling too!
i know things are looking brighter despite my futile efforts to find a suitable promoter for my thesis this past few days. i am holding on to this happy incident to rev me up with some positive spirit for the days to come.
i never got the lady's name. but i know she's sleeping well tonight with thoughts of our happy chat!
chilling out to: beneath the surface by incognito
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 12:43 AM
if you can't live with it, he can.
take me to the laundromat...
i had a wonderful blush with love last saturday.

i'm tempted to write the details, but i'm keeping it as a good memory. although i know writing it down will allow me to remember every detail of it, i want it to remain as fresh as the time it happened by adding details to it in my mind whenever i want to, whether it actually happened or not.
all i can say is that i went to the laundromat and came back smiling. and that my lips are still red until tonight. :D
good night.
chilling out to: Alfie by EBTG
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 9:59 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
birthday greetings for a dear friend!
isabel (spanish name) meaning consecrated to god.
brussels has gifted me with a person who has been a friend and a constant source of positive vibe. so today, i dance with joy for a dear friend's birthday! hehehe!

she helped me conquer my fear of going to the dentist to have my aching tooth checked.
she walks light and with confidence despite her bad back condition.
she is surprised by sunny days in brussels and has taught me to savor those days as they don't come very often in this place.
she pulls me out from my sadness with her smile.
she welcomed us in to her apartment that she shares with bram, her equally lovable boyfriend.
she never fails to surprise me with her take on life.
she finds my name (and willy's) funny.
she hates that i smoke.
she blushes and i have a picture to prove it.
she proves that brussels ain't really that bad.
and for these things and more, i wish her a very happy birthday! may she continue to grace the lives of her friends with her warmth and kindness.
enjoy the dance! i even donned my spider man costume!
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 6:17 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.
now that explains it!

tadaaaa! i have a bisexual brain! now that explains it! hehehe...
after forcing myself to write an assessment of the european water framework directive, i was so exhausted that all i wanted to do was to sleep. but sleep is hard to come by for a brain still active after hours of mental exertion.
to while away time, i went to browse the net for something light and funny. i was not interested to watch anything at so i went to and looked for nick baker, the cute bug man who presents for cbbc. nothing new about him lately, huhuhu.
however, what caught my attention at the bbc website was the sex ID homepage where you take part in a real scientific study to identify the sex of your brain based on your answers on the interactive questionnaire. after 20 minutes s of answering the questions, which was fairly enjoyable and challenging by the way, i got my results! i rated mid-way between the average results for both men and women who have answered the survey. there goes my arms swishing!
visit the site and decipher your brain's sex!
this is marc's version of the truth, sometime at 10:12 PM
if you can't live with it, he can.